#1 Update your software with the latest release.
Before proceeding, make sure that you have the latest release (at least build 2212).
From within the software click on Help > Software. Allow the system to install the update and it will exit. Start the software afterwards.
After restarting the software, enter into an account. Confirm you are on build 2212 (Help > About).
Note: If you are not on build 2212 (or later), stop and contact us.
#2 Working with Many to Many Matching - on the Matching Field. Matching fields must match.
Please create a new account to work in (File > New) and call it 'Testing4ManytoMany' or similar.
You'll need (click on each to download):
Turn on the appropriate Many-to-Many Matching rules.
We'll want to group on the Matching fields and the matching fields must match.
Import the Bank and GL files noted above.
All of the items should match.
#3 Working with Many to Many Matching - on the Matching Field. Matching fields do not need to match.
You can keep working in the same account/database for this and the balance of the steps.
You'll need (click on each to download):
Turn on the appropriate Many-to-Many Matching rules.
We'll want to group on the Matching fields, but the matching fields do not need to match.
Import the Bank and GL files noted above.
All of the items should match.
#4 Working with Many to Many Matching - Date and Category. Categories must match match.
You'll need (click on each to download):
Tip: You'll need to use categories. Use Amex and V/MC (or any two categories you want).
Turn on the appropriate Many-to-Many Matching rules.
We'll want to group on both the Date and Category.
Import the Bank and GL files noted above.
All of the items should match.
#5 Working with Many to Many Matching - Date
You'll need (click on each to download):
Turn on the appropriate Many-to-Many Matching rules.
We'll want to group on Date.
Import the Bank and GL files noted above.
All of the items should match.
#6 Working with Many to Many Matching - Checks
You'll need (click on each to download):
Turn on the appropriate Many-to-Many Matching rules.
We'll want to group on Check Number.
Import the Bank and GL files noted above.
All of the items should match.