This feature enables you to import detailed information and summarize it for payments, as well as email (if needed).
Your detailed data from your accounting system:
Will be paid in summary as:
In addition, if you are sending emails, ACH Universal will send one consolidated email with the check stub information as below:
To enable this feature:
From within the Settings tab > ACH Setup > Panel 7 > Advanced tab > General tab. Finish the wizard to save your updates.
How it works:
1. Import and manually add records.
When importing, remember to import your remittance information mapped as the Check_Stub_Invoice# and Check_Stub_Description (although you do not need to use both fields).
2. After you import/add records (Step #1), the system will display the records as detailed.
If you run reports, you will see the detail as usual.
If you were to create the ACH file and send emails (prior to step #3 below), an email would be created for each individual transaction unless you choose to 'Consolidate' the transactions in the Email Setup.
3. Create the ACH File ****It is at this point that the records are consolidated****
During the ACH file creation process, the system will create summary records by grouping the untransmitted records based on the banking information (ABA and Account number) of each record, as well as all batching rules (payment date, etc.).
The newly-created summary records will contain the check stub information from the detailed records. This will include data from the following fields:
--Invoice #
If you were to send emails after Consolidating, one summary email would be sent and one total amount will be included on the ACH file.
You can run reports, such as the Transmittal Log report, and view either detailed or consolidated information.
--ACH Universal Corporate or Advanced (Processor) edition is required for Consolidation/Summary of Records
--Use with SEC codes of PPD and CCD only
--Turn off ACH Universal encryption
--Not for use with QuickBooks, as ACH Universal already has a check stub feature within the QuickBooks Integration module.
--The ACH file contains the payment summary amount, but not does not contain the remittance (check stub) information, as the ACH/NACHA file does not have fields to accommodate it. The remittance (check stub) information is included by default in the check stub information of the email. If you are using a third party report writer and our SQL Server platform, this information is also available in the 'Memo-Field'.