Triggers and testing
Enables the automation of Software Integration Kit (Custom Import Menus), regardless as to whether the program is set for ACH Universal, Bank Positive Pay or Bank Reconciliation.
The syntax for the command line trigger is simply:
[path]\BRCOM.exe /ACCT="sample" /MENU /AUTO=1
· Bank Account (database) - /ACCT
· Include to activate (static to trigger) - /MENU
· Group to use (numeric value in the Command Line Group number box)- /AUTO
This example triggers the Custom Import Menu group #1 (AUTO=1) for the 'sample' account.
Supported software platforms and portability
As the Treasury Software runtime contains and drives the automation process, there are no restrictions as to the underlying development environment (VB, VB.NET, C, C++, etc...) or as to the platform (rich client vs. ASP) used to trigger the process.
All that is required is for the triggering application is to access a command prompt (shell out) and issue a single command line.
Sample Testing Plan
There are three stages to testing
1. User interface (alpha)
2. Shortcut from the desktop (isolated)
3. Third party software triggers or scheduled task triggers (start to finish)
We recommend that you perform testing sequentially, starting at the user interface.
1. User interface - primarily for 'alpha' testing
From the user interface, select 'Import', then the name of the process you created. The system will walk you through the import process 'step-by-step'.
Tip: 'Step-by-step' is literal--there can be five clicks per file. If testing a folder import, plan the number of files in a folder accordingly to minimize the test time.
Note: Actions after import, such as file creation and transmission, will only occur from the command line (see testing methods #2 and #3 below to trigger).
2. Shortcut from the desktop - isolated
From within Windows Explorer, navigate to the Program Files\TreasurySoftware directory, right click on BRCOM.exe and send a shortcut to your desktop. Close Windows Explorer.
Right click on the shortcut, select 'Properties', and in the 'Target:' (path) add the trigger. A sample Target might look like:
c:\Program Files\TreasurySoftware\BRCOM.exe /ACCT="sample" /MENU /AUTO=1
3. Third party software triggers or scheduled task triggers (start to finish)
A complete test environment, which includes third-party software testing or a scheduled task from the host Windows Operating System.
For event driven triggering, such as from a the third-party software:
--shell to a command prompt and send a command line trigger, such as above in #2.
For recurring, scheduled actions:
--use the host operating system's scheduled tasks
Notes - upon successful completion of testing
--Migrate triggers to production third-party environments.
--To conform with common Audit Trail requirements, ACH transactions which have been transmitted cannot be deleted via the user interface. Either manually delete with SQL tools, or create a new account.
--If creating a new account, copy your import mappings by entering into the newly created account and selecting 'Import', then 'Column Mapping Templates - Import' from the main menu. Remember, this copies your column mapping templates, but not your custom selections. Don't forget to re-click any custom selections.
Remember: Settings and customizations are stored in each bank account's database.