We can help you easily create ACH Files for JPMorgan Chase, on any of their platforms.
These instructions are specific for the Chase Business Online (CBO) platform.
If you are on another Chase platform (ie. Enhanced or Commercial), see our general ACH instructions.
Regardless of the Chase platform you are on, ACH Universal can create an ACH (Nacha) file for you to use with Chase.
How to configure your ACH file for Chase Business Online (CBO).
On ACH Universal's program Home page, click on:
ACH Setup > and click through the Wizard panels until you are on screen 7.
Or, simply enter the Chase ABA Routing number 021000021 - and it will prompt you.
When you click on the link, the system will prompt you for:
1. Your Company name
2. Your bank account number at Chase.
3. Whether you will be creating debits (ie. customer collections) or credits (ie. employee direct deposit and vendor payments out).
Having trouble importing an ACH File created by another system into Chase CBO?
We can help. Run the Chase setup as noted above.
Then, click on the Import Transactions Wizard on the Home Page, and point to your ACH file created with another package. Complete the Wizard, and then click on to create an ACH file. Your file should now be ready to import into Chase CBO.
Click for - Importing an ACH File detailed instructions.
Chase Business Online (CBO) tips. Please remember that:
--PPD (personal/consumer) credit transactions must be dated at least 2 days in advance. PPD debit transactions are not supported by this Chase platform.
--CCD (corporate/business) transactions (both debit and credit) must be dated at least 1 day in advance.
--If you will be creating both ACH debits and credits, you will need to create two separate files.
The ACH file containing credits will be uploaded through the Chase Payment Center and file containing debits will be uploaded through Chase ACH Collections.
Therefore, you'll create two accounts within ACH Universal, one for debits and one for credits.
In addition to automating the setup, the Chase setup will populate the Company Entry Description field (Batch header record positions 54-63) with PAYROLL for PPD transactions and allow for REVERSAL (as always) for reversals.
Chase provided requirements (CBO):
Chase NACHA / ACH File Specifications Chase for Business (c) January 2022
Chase ACH Payments File Upload Reference Guide (c) January 2019
(Select screen shots below)
Turned on Chase CBO specific settings by mistake?
You can turn it off at Settings > Import, System > Custom Code tab > Enter 2067 in the Custom Code 1 field (top) and click update.
Troubleshooting - Your file will still be processed.
Warning messages - these are not 'errors', but 'warnings'.
The first item below simply states that you are not running payroll and it will not be a 'PPD' batch. This is expected if you are making vendor payments, tax payments or other non-payroll transactions.
The second item below appears to be Chase Bank protecting/masking your company ID from the network. This has no bearing on the transactions being processed.