Required: At this point, you have followed the steps in 'Importing Bank Data' to import the data into Bank Reconciliation.
Suggested: It is recommended that you have read the 'Mapping Overview' and 'Deciding What to Map' articles.
If you need more information on a particular field, please read 'Definitions - Mapping fields'.
Mapping Bank Data
At this point, you have a screen similar to the one below (data in grid will be different).

This file contains seven fields (columns), as listed by the column header in the grey box, and we will map just four fields:
•Date |
•Amount |
•Bank ID |
•Currency (not visible) |
•Account ID |
•Transaction Type (not visible) |
•Check Number |
The topmost row has green and red headers. 'Date', 'CheckNumber', and 'Amount' are in green.
While the red boxes have no label, green means mapped, and red means not mapped. It is not necessary to map every column; sometimes you will want to exclude certain data that was on the import file, and it is okay to leave some red column headers.