This page focuses on the Matching Rules
#1 Working with One to One Matching - Disbursement/Checks
Please create a new account to work in (File > New) and call it 'Test1To1Disbursement' or similar.
You'll need (click on each to download):
Import the Bank_Disbursement.xlsx for the bank, and GL_Disbursement.xlsx for the G/L.
The checks should all match up except for the last three checks issued on the 29th G/L (outstanding).
Tip: No Categories are used in this example.
Please take a screen shot of your data mappings during import (red/green columns).
#2 One to One Matching - Deposits with a unique identifier field (Reference/Deposit ID's)
Please create a new account to work in (File > New) and call it 'Test1To1Deposit' or similar.
You'll need (click on each to download):
Data Tips:
--The majority of these deposits contain unique reference ID's. The reference ID's on the bank data match on a one to one basis with the reference ID's on the G/L data.
--No Categories are used in this example.
Import the Bank_Deposit1To1.xlsx for the bank, and GL_Deposit1To1.xlsx for the G/L.
The deposits should all match up.
Run a Matched Only report and review the description field to make sure that to make sure that V/MC matched to each other, ACH matched to each other and Amex matched to each other.
Please take a screen shot of your data mappings during import (red/green columns).
[Terri. #3 below will take some time.
This is our introduction into Categories. Of all of the examples that you work through, this will most likely takes the longest.
If you're stuck, we can plan to get you back going at our next call.]
#3 One to One Matching - Create Category Rules (Basic)
[Terri - I updated the instructions to use the existing database from above on Monday the 23rd. If you already got past this point - no worries.]
Use the existing database you just created above in the prior test ('Test1To1Deposit' or similar). [This was the update]
[Tip: you will need to update your import field mappings.]
You'll need (click on each to download):
You'll need to create category rules to categorize transactions into four categories:
Manual Deposits
Data tips:
Corporate transactions include 'ACH Origination' transactions
Manual Deposits transactions include 'Deposit Site' and 'Cash and Check'
MC/Visa transactions include 'Credit Card Des' transactions and 'MC/V'
Import the Bank_CatRulesBasic.xlsx for the bank, and GL_CatRulesBasic.xlsx for the G/L.
Run a Matched Only report and review the Category field to make sure that to make sure that each match contains only records from the same category.
Note: You will have some miscellaneous records unmatched (5 on the bank and 8 on the G/L)