This page is for banks and other financial institutions that need to create a Notification of Change file.
Typical corporate clients do not need to create Notification of Changes.
To create Notification of Change files you need the Enterprise platform and the Advanced (Processor) edition of ACH Universal.
We highly recommend that you click through our sample in the sample account.
During the sample, you will see the:
--Excel file (that can be used as your template!)
--Mappings of the fields
--A sample Notification of Change file
Enter into our Sample account, select the Samples tab, and then click on 'Create a NOC File'.
The sample Excel file, which you can use as a template is located at:
C:\Users\Public\Treasury Software\Tutorial\ACHData\Source for Notification of Changes.xlsx
You can use the pre-populated mapping template 'Create Notification of Change File'.
The detailed mapping is below (3 screen shots)
Once you have reviewed the Sample (above), proceed with a one-time setup.
One-time setup:
1. Create a new account to work in
From the main menu select File > New > Create an account - and then complete the wizard.
Note: In this example, we named the account 'NOC'.
2. Default the account to create ACH NOC - Notification of Change files
From the program Home Page, click ACH File Setup, then next.
Enter your header information here.
Note: If you don't have your header information, you can skip this and come back at any time. It is not needed to create a file, but of course - you'll need to enter it before sending to the FRB or your processor.
When finished, select 'Advanced Setup - Access all setup options' to enable the 'Next' button to continue. Click Next.
1. Click on 'Auto-fill' to populate, and
2. Select 'COR - Notification of Change'.
3. Prepare sample/test data
On the Home tab, click ACH-2-Excel.
On the form, select an ACH file to convert. Once selected, allow the conversion to continue.
A spreadsheet will open with the converted data.
For this sample, add two columns to the rightmost field - and enter labels such as NOC Code and Corrected Data.
Note: Enter the 'C' plus a leading digit if applicable. For example, for an incorrect account number, enter C01, or an incorrect ABA Routing number as C02. Also populate the corrected data as well.
(newer versions may end up being in columns AI and AJ).
Note: C03 for Incorrect Routing Number and Incorrect Account Number requires BOTH pieces of information in the Corrected Data field. The syntax for this field is:
Positions 1-9 Routing Number
Positions 10-12 Blank
Positions 13-29 Account Number
Save the file as an Excel file.
4. Set your mappings
Click on Import Transactions to start the wizard.
Select the Excel file you just saved in the previous step and click Next.
In the upper right corner, select the mapping template Create Notification of Change File.
Note: If you are on build 1024 or earlier, follow the mapping steps (both ACH Returns and NOC) at our legacy mapping.
Also check the 'Save as default'
Depending on your version, you may need to remap the last two right-most columns:
Click Next, Next and Finish to import and most importantly - to save your mappings.
5. Create a test NOC file
From the Home page - click on the Go To Create ACH File Page - and then click on Create (see below).
Simply prepare the data file as above in step 3. All other work has been saved.
Note: Of course, your records may only be a subset of the entire file. Delete the records within Excel that do not need to be created.
This would be a good time to backup your work. Click File > Backup.
Reminder: To create Notification of Change records you need the Enterprise platform and the Advanced (Processor) edition of ACH Universal.
Sample file created below.
The addenda records ('7'), are followed by '98' indicating an NOC. Afterwards, in the example below is the NOC Code C01.
Field Mappings if you are manually mapping
Field # | Mapping Name |
1 | Date |
2 | Amount_Absolute |
3 | Bank_Account_Number |
4 | ABA_Routing_Number |
5 | Name |
6 | ACH_ID_Internal |
7 | ACH_Transaction_Code |
8 | Trace_Resend |
9 | Bank_Disc_Data |
11 | Descriptive_Date |
12 | Comp_Name_Resend |
13 | Comp_Disc_Resend |
14 | Comp_ID_Resend |
15 | Class_3_Letters |
16 | Comp_Entry_Desc_Resend |
17 | Batch_Resend |
18 | Orig_DFI_Resend |
27 | Batch_2XX_Resend |
28 | Settle_Date_Julian_Resend |
34 | ReturnNOC_Code |
35 | Corrected_Data_Resend |
Reminder: To create NOC files you need the Enterprise platform and the Advanced (Processor) license of ACH Universal.