The Treasury Desktop™ contains a rich command line interface, that allows for full automation from other applications.
While the command line interface compliments a number of features which are available in our in our point and click 'Control Panel', the interface allows for full customization and control of output files location/names.
Differences between Control Panel and Command Line automation
Control Panel
1. Triggers are preset - at standard date/time and standard intervals.
2. Cannot programmatically change file names. Must specify source files or output files.
3. Ease of use - has a point and click interface.
Command Line Interface
1. Triggers - Can be triggered on command.
2. Full control over both source files and output files. Can programmatically change file names.
3. The command line requires an intermediate to advanced knowledge of systems.
The Command Line interface is used to schedule import and transmission jobs through the Windows scheduling system. This is similar to using the Scheduler, but by using the Command Line you are able to schedule multiple jobs and do not have to load ACH Universal to do so.
Command Line Options
BRCom.exe /ACCT="account" /ACHX [/XMIT] /SRCE="file name"
/ACCT - specifies account by name
/ACHX - specifies to use the ACH Universal module
/XMIT - directs ACH Universal to create and then transmit the file after creation
/SRCE - specifies file to be imported (using absolute positioning)
c:\Program Files\TreasurySoftware\BRCOM.exe /ACCT="sample" /ACHX /XMIT /SRCE="C:\aaavb\1000\Tutorial\GLData\ACH_with_Accounts.xls"
This example imports a source file named ACH_with_Accounts.xls at the specified absolute position into the Sample account in ACH Universal (ACHX). After import, the system creates and transmits (XMIT) the NACHA file.
Valid source files include comma delimited text files, tab delimited text files, fixed width text files and Excel worksheets.
Notes for all applications:
· The order of the parameters is not significant
· Capitalization is not significant
· When specifying a file name (SRCE), use the full file path and name within quotes. When using mapped drives, remember that the path should be centric/relative to the machine where Treasury Desktop is located, not the machine issuing the trigger/command.
· Place the account name in quotes.
Working with multiple users and multiple account:
Each command line trigger - will create an independent instance of the application. There is no limit to the number of instances.
If processing simultaneous command line requests, use different accounts (Sample1, Sample2, etc...) to minimize any record locking issues. If this is not an alternative, consider processing sequentially, or using our Control Panel.
For Web and Citrix based applications, please contact a Treasury Software support representative.