To reach this transactions screen, from the Treasury Software main menu select the Home tab > QuickBooks Integration.
This screen is a 'Window' into your QuickBooks data. By default, it displays all records in your QuickBooks account(s) that need be electronically transmitted.
Step #1 - View transactions
The grid by default displays records which you have not yet processed. You can change the From and To dates, as well as the default date range (details below).
In a basic situation, the system will display your new transactions - and all of them can be sent to Bank Positive Pay. Bank Positive PayBank Positive Pay will then create a transmission file, which is sent to your bank.
Summary counts and totals
The summary counts and totals include all transactions which have completed profiles, have not yet been sent and have not been marked to be held.
Step #2 - Transmit to Bank Positive Pay
Click on the 'Send transactions to Bank Positive Pay' button to create a file with the eligible records in the grid. You can then transmit the file to your bank.
Holding and Overriding Records
In a perfect world, all of the transactions that you create in QuickBooks are to be sent for immediate electronic processing.
As we know, this is not always the case. Sometimes payments are held temporarily - or permanently canceled and sometimes payments need to be resent.
Marking records
Bank Positive Pay provides you with the tools to do this. Uncheck the checkbox to display your record controls (in yellow).
Holding transactions - Temporary
Select the record(s) and click on 'Mark - Do not Import (temporary)'.
This will mark the records as 'Do Not Import' during the current submission to Bank Positive Pay.
The records will be automatically displayed as available to be transmitted the next time your view the records.
--If you re-run or refresh the grid prior to transmission, this will clear your marked records. You will need to re-mark them.
Holding transactions - Permanent
Select the record(s) and click on 'Mark - Do not Import (permament)'.
If you no longer want a transaction to be transmitted electronically, you can mark the record(s) as 'Mark - Do not Import (permanent)'
Marking records 'Do not transmit' stop the transactions from being imported now - or in the future.
If in the future, you decide that you need to process this record, see the instructions below for 'Mark - Import (over-ride)'.
Mark - Import (over-ride)
Select the record(s) and click on 'Mark - Import (over-ride)'.
Use 'Mark - Import (over-ride)' if you need to:
--process a transaction that you previously put on a permanent hold, or
--you need to re-transmit a record.
An example of re-transmission: If a bank account number that a vendor gave you was wrong - and the original transaction was returned. You can then use the over-ride feature to re-transmit this.
Note: In order to select a record, you'll need to view it. However, by default, previously transmitted records and those placed on permanent hold are suppressed from being displayed. See the section below to display these records.
Displaying previously transmitted and permanent 'on-hold' records
By default, Bank Positive Pay will suppress displaying previously transmitted and permanent 'on-hold' records. To display these records, un-check 'Hide transactions already imported'.
Why would I want to view these records?
Typically, you would not want to view these records - that is why we suppress them by default.
However, you would want to display these records for:
-- If you need to re-transmit a transaction that originally failed.
-- If you need to transmit a record that you placed on permanent hold.