If you are attempting to connect a workstation (client) to a SQL Server for the first time, you will need to have admin (SA) credentials, or have an IT Admin assist, as the software will create a Sample database on your SQL Server.
To connect the software to a SQL Server or SQL Express database, first, install the software on your workstation and then enter into the Sample account. Once you are in the software, if you have not already applied the license information, click on File > Enter/Remove License Codes > enter your license ID, password, and your email address > 'Click to Register'.
Once you have restarted the software, click on the Settings tab > Migrate to SQL Express, SQL Server > click Next. On the next screen you should see either your server or the Treasury Software SQL Express instance (ending in TREASOFT). Select the correct database instance and if you are using SQL Express, check the SQL Express database checkbox and proceed through the wizard.
NOTE: If you do not see your server\TREASOFT, it is possible to type in the IP address of the computer that holds the SQL, for instance,\TREASOFT
Once you have restarted the software you will be connected to the SQL database.
At this point, you will either create a new account or update/add your existing accounts.
If creating a new account, follow these instructions: https://help.treasurysoftware.com/hc/en-us/articles/360007938153-How-do-I-create-a-new-Bank-Reconciliation-Account-in-Treasury-Software-
You may be prompted to update the databases if you will be adding existing accounts--please do so. To import your existing SQL accounts if you had already created them, click on File > New Account > Add an Existing account > select your account (one at a time) > Next > Finish.

Troubleshooting tips:
If you are unable to see your database in the dropdown, the issue could be caused by the Windows Firewall on the server. Please see the following link on how to write a rule in the firewall to allow access.
Also, verify the SQL database is running in the Services Panel.
During installation, there will be two sets of credentials that you may be asked to enter:
--User credentials for daily access (encrypted, stored)
--SA credentials for new account creation (never stored)
User credentials
User credentials may be requested during the initial SQL Server Migration Wizard.
The user credentials are encrypted (AES-256) and stored within the system. As always, a best practice is to issue credentials for the lowest access required for the task.
You can confirm the credentials that are stored within the system by navigating to the Settings tab > clicking on Maintenance > SQL tab - and then viewing the SQL User Login in use (see below).
SA credentials
SA credentials for new account creation may be prompted when creating/adding a new account and are never stored within the system.