3706 Provider cannot be found - SQL Error
This error can occur if you've recently migrated to SQL Server (or SQL Express) and you do not have the correct provider installed.
Treasury Software works with two common SQL providers:
MS OLEDB (default)
SQL Server Native Client
1. Exit our software. Download and install MS OLEDB driver from:
2. Change the setting within the software to use SQL Server Native Client
You can't easily change the setting, as you need to be in the software to change it ('Catch-22').
To resolve this, we are going to migrate down to our default mode Desktop, which does not use the SQL providers, change the setting - and then migrate back up to SQL.
Step #1 - Exit our software. Within Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Users\Public\Treasury Software
and rename the Treasury Software folder to another name, for example 'Treasury Software Backup'.
Step #2 - Restart our software and change the setting.
Click on the Settings tab > Maintenance > System tab on the pop-up window.
Scroll to the bottom and select 'Opted SQLNCL11' and close the window and software.
Step #3 - Restart our software and migrate to SQL Server (or SQL Express)
Click on the Settings tab > SQL and start the wizard. Continue as planned.